What Exactly is the Function of Liberal Arts in Modern Society?
Why then should students waste their time with these studies? The absolute necessity for literature, philosophy, and the rest of the humanities is automatically superseded by the need to make provision for one’s immediate, tangible needs. Yet the need to provide for basic needs does not quell the yearning of the soul for those intellectual aspirations which find their home in the liberal arts.
What is the University For?
Higher education and its influence on what we now call American society is older than the formal creation of America the nation. This makes more sense when we consider the original design of the Nation as a Republic. The knowledge and competence of any nation’s leaders will directly impact the quality of life of the people being led.
The Other Side of Silence
There is a remarkable irony in that the hymn “Silent Night” is more popular than the rest, and only grows in familiarity the busier and louder the world becomes. Perhaps our souls yearn for what our hearts and minds know not.
Reviewing the Reformation pt. 3
We must be careful to speak precisely on what The Gospel is and is not. The gospel is a series of historical facts, not a collection of theories concerning the mechanics of salvation.
Reviewing the Reformation pt. 2
Our arguments are only effective insofar that they are attached to a demonstrated “Love.” lest we be merely cymbals who clang the air.
We need not compromise on our own theological heritage to recognize that from an outsider’s perspective, our front porch does not look as inviting as the times of Calvin.
You’ve Heard of the Culture War, What About its Casualties? Reviewing the Reformation pt. 1
The corruption of marriage and family is the most powerful weapon against Christian people. Should you burn a Christian in broad daylight, they may sing to their fiery death hymns of praise; the faith of those watching is strengthened, as they grab their loved ones even tighter. But divorce? It condemns those affected to an understanding of love as only conditional.
The Smarter the Phone, the Smarter the Human?
With the rise of mass media, and now AI driven algorithms, we can see how there is now a profit incentive baked into the “machine” to nudge us away from being a creative, joyful, friendly, ambitious, sacrificial person with lots of friends, a wife or husband we adore, and a growing family. All of those things make for a terrible consumer.
Justice Lifts the Nations
…even the most tyrannous king and the most zealous, grassroots movement and the most corrupt politician have a master they bow to: the law.
A New Beginning
This is he [love] who empties men of disaffection and fills them with affection, who makes them gather at banquets such as these; in sacrifices, feasts, dances — he is our lord— desired by those who have no part in him, and precious to those who have the better part in him